Beat the End-of-Summer Blues

Live Well

Beat the End-of-Summer Blues

As summer’s nearing a close, that means it’s time to say so long to barbecues and beaches. And for some of you, it also means saying hello to the blues?

Not so fast! Your good mood doesn’t have to go away just because summer’s ending. Just follow these tips, and you’ll turn that frown upside down.

Throw an end-of-summer party

Nothing says celebration like a party! So, instead of moping around the house, lamenting the end of the season, spend your time planning a blow-out bash. Set up some kiddie pools and beach balls in the backyard, fire up the barbecue, and don’t forget the fruity drinks with umbrellas.

Plan ahead

Just because summer’s ending, doesn’t mean the fun should end. Fall is the perfect time for apple picking, finding your way through a corn maze and taking a hay ride. So right now, take out the calendar and put some plans on it. Consider what you’re going to do and with whom. Take out some maps and color the routes you want to take, search the Internet and scope out some activities. Thinking about the happy feelings a given experience will bring — or, in expert speak, anticipatory happiness — can prolong the fun.

Bust a move

Moving your body, whether it’s through walking, running, golfing, or dancing, helps to release endorphins into your body. These are brain chemicals that make you feel happier. Try to do some sort of activity every day for at least 20 to 30 minutes.

Clear the clutter

Use the change of seasons to give your closets a face-lift. Take a good, hard look at what’s in there and donate items you haven’t worn in a year. Then take advantage of that newfound space and buy a brightly colored scarf or hat that you’ll look forward to wearing when the weather cools off.

Schedule some volunteer work

Seeing real need can put things into perspective and make you realize that the summer’s end is not the worst thing that can happen. Plus, science suggests that random acts of kindness create what’s been called the “helper’s high,” which reinforces a profound sense of well-being and optimism.

Put some happiness on your plate

What you eat can have a monumental effect on how you feel. Try salmon with Greek yogurt dill sauce and a side of broccoli. Greek yogurt has twice as much protein as the traditional kind. And eating foods packed with protein can raise levels of dopamine, which has been dubbed the mood-boosting brain chemical.

Deep-water fatty fish, such as salmon, albacore tuna, and anchovies, are some of the richest sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids. If you don’t like fish, walnuts and chia seeds are rich in omega-3s as well.

Research shows that improving the dietary ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids has beneficial effects on mood and behavior, helping you feel less anxious and angry and more agreeable, even improving your impulse control.1

And supplementing with key omega-3 fatty acids — EPA and DHA — has been shown to help promote a positive mood with as little as 200 mg/day of EPA that makes up at least 60% of a combined EPA+DHA intake.2

Omega-3 Phospholipid delivers EPA and DHA in this happy sweet spot, providing 260 mg of EPA (66% of the combined EPA+DHA intake) per daily serving (4-softgels).

Each softgel features SuperbaTM krill oil, a natural source of omega-3 fats. It’s a phospholipid form that offers some serious advantages. In one study,3 researchers found krill oil was better absorbed than regular fish oil supplements and better retained by red blood cells, the so-called “Omega-3 Index” that is an emerging marker of heart health.*

Each softgel also contains astaxanthin, a carotenoid that’s naturally found in krill. Astaxanthin produces antioxidant effects that work like a biochemical shield to protect the omega-3 fatty acids from oxidation. That’s good news, because it means no need to use additives to maintain the long-term stability of Omega-3 Phospholipid.*

The result: A clean formula that delivers full potency, every time.

So bring on Fall — and bring on a smile!

About Endurance Products Company

Endurance Products Company has been a trusted source of quality dietary supplements since 1978. Our sustained-release and extended-release tablets feature a unique vegetable wax matrix that releases nutrients in a slow, steady manner over a period of hours for optimal nutrient absorption and retention.


1. Conklin SM, Manuck SB, Yao JK, Flory JD, Hibbeln JR, Muldoon MF. High omega-6 and low omega-3 fatty acids are associated with depressive symptoms and neuroticism. Psychosom Med. 2007;69(9):932-934. PMID: 17991818.
2. Sublette ME, Ellis SP, Geant AL, Mann JJ. Meta-analysis of the effects of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in clinical trials in depression. J Clin Psychiatry. 2011;72(12):1577-1584. PMID: 21939614.
3. Ramprasath VR, Eyal I, Zchut S, Jones PJ. Enhanced increase of omega-3 index in healthy individuals with response to 4-week n-3 fatty acid supplementation from krill oil versus fish oil. Lipids Health Dis. 2013;12:178. PMID: 24304605.

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