Fitness After Fifty: 5 Ways to Build Lean Muscle

Fitness After Fifty: 5 Ways to Build Lean Muscle

As we age, maintaining and building lean muscle becomes increasingly important for overall health and wellbeing. Learn how to get fit and build muscle safely in the second half of life!

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Bone Health as You Age: How to Protect Yours

Bone Health as You Age: How to Protect Yours

Discover how genetics, nutrition, and fitness influence bone strength. Get actionable tips for resilient bones.

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The Science of Winter Blues: Beating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

The Science of Winter Blues: Beating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Combat the blues with these evidence-based tips for year-round mental well-being.

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Walking for Wellness: The Benefits of a Daily Stroll for Your Mind and Body

Walking for Wellness: The Benefits of a Daily Stroll for Your Mind and Body

Learn how a simple stroll can help with weight management, joint health, mental well-being, & more!

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5 of the Best Yoga Poses to Keep Your Spine Healthy at Any Age

5 of the Best Yoga Poses to Keep Your Spine Healthy at Any Age

Try these five back-friendly poses to boost flexibility, alleviate pain, and promote lifelong spinal health.

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Mental Fitness: 10 of the Best Brain-Boosting Activities

Mental Fitness: 10 of the Best Brain-Boosting Activities

Keep your brain agile with these 10 simple & fun activities for a sharper, more creative mind!

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